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Data Science Improves HR

Data Science Improves HR

Is human resources in trouble? will technology replace people in HR will artificial intelligence(AI),robotics, machine learning, automation change how it functions - from hiring to managing people? At a time when a Tesla is hurtling through space, it is difficult to predict the effect of technology. But there are indication that workplace will fast-forward to a future.

  The transformation of HR is at a nascent stage.and that stage we will be improve our efficiency. But organizations will soon be forced to adopt and those who do not will lose favour with potential employees. Because of AI and Data Science, we have seen several changes and challenges last years in HR.

first one is Hiring procedure AI helps parse and screen CVs, and does it batter than humans .

second is Performance Appraisal, technology and data analysis enable assessment of performance in real time. annual or half yearly bases.

third is Operations, chatbots and apps now resolve employees day to day queries and can also potentially provide tech support. all parts of HR operations now have components that are managed by technology.

forth one is workforce, Millennial's, who form the majority of workforce, are pushing companies to get innovative with practices.
           Future HR practitioners will need to unlearn and learn. they need to embrace new technologies, and not fear them. They need to take advantage of tech disruption to save time and energy for newer and batter purposes. It will improve  batter and effectively system. 


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